This is my attempt to clear up some misconceptions about CouchDB and point out some technical details that a lot of people seem to have overlooked. For the record, I like Damien Katz's blog, he seems like a great programmer, and Erlang looks cool. Please don't hurt me. First, and most important: CouchDB is not a distributed database. BigTable is a distributed database. Cassandra and dynomite are distributed databases. (And open source, and based on a better design than BigTable. More on this in another post.) It's true that with CouchDB you can "shard" data out to different instances just like you can with MySQL or PostgreSQL. That's not what people think when they see "distributed database." It's also true that CouchDB has good replication, but even multi-master replication isn't the same as a distributed database: you're still limited to the write throughput of the slowest machine. Here are some reasons you should think tw...