I said that it would be possible to build a django-style admin interface for Pylons using FormAlchemy . (That is, generate a UI for basic CRUD operations for all your models, with no further configuration necessary.) I have a proof of concept in FA svn; it's missing some obvious features like internationalization so there is no official release yet. But the basics are there, so in the meantime, if you'd like to kick the tires , just install FA from svn and give it a try. Here are some screenshots from a pylons app incorporating models from the FA test suite. (The admin controller is fully customizable using standard FA (and Pylons) techniques, but these are what you'd see out-of-the-box.) Index: Order page: Creating a new Order: Deleting an Order: The User page: Editing a User instance: Documentation on using and customizing the pylons admin app is here .