Some things just work better as a traditional app, guys.
I recently switched tasks from writing the ColBERT Live! library and related benchmarking tools to authoring BM25 search for Cassandra . I was able to implement the former almost entirely with "coding in English" via Aider . That is: I gave the LLM tasks, in English, and it generated diffs for me that Aider applied to my source files. This made me easily 5x more productive vs writing code by hand, even with AI autocomplete like Copilot. It felt amazing! (Take a minute to check out this short thread on a real-life session with Aider , if you've never tried it.) Coming back to Cassandra, by contrast, felt like swimming through molasses. Doing everything by hand is tedious when you know that an LLM could do it faster if you could just structure the problem correctly for it. It felt like writing assembly without a compiler -- a useful skill in narrow situations, but mostly not a good use of human intelligence today. The key difference in these two sce...
The thing that concerned me about Meebo is security. Do I want to give them my yahoo id and password?
(But it might be nice if you need IM and you are at a random machine that happens to have a recent browser (and no IM client))
Of course, you'd already have logged in using your Passport account, so the trust issue isn't there in quite the same way.
I think that this is something that works pretty well in an AJAX context (although it's not as nicely unobtrusive as a desktop client). (Well, some messaging clients.)
I was marginally floored (I mean, I'm told I've done something similar in the past, but that's cool). Meebo certainly has its uses (a locked down windows lab in the EE dept with no software installation allowed, for example).
My friend's response was "holy cow, isn't that a privacy concern?"
useful, marginally.
worth building a business around... no.
Maybe this is a resume builder? I doubt they're hoping to be bought.