Feature50 is winding down now that CEO Ben Galbraith has accepted a job offer elsewhere. So, I'm interested in exploring my options, specifically, opportunities to build out the technology for a start-up working in concert with a strong business CEO. I've done this twice now.
Technical ability
I am a senior developer specializing in back-end technologies. At Mozy, where I was employee #2, I wrote a distributed file repository that stores petabytes of data, an amount comparable to Amazon's S3. I have 8 years of experience with PostgreSQL. I know how to design for scale, and how to find and remove bottlenecks. I am not afraid of diving into a new code base; I took over as maintainer of the Spyce web framework and the FormAlchemy toolkit, and I have contributed features or patches to SQLAlchemy, Pylons, and Jython, among others.
Soft skills
I enjoy building and working with a team. At Feature50 I am responsible for technical interviews, and personally recruited five of our first eight developers. At Mozy, I recruited three of the first five. I designed a customized version of Review Board -- a code review tool -- for Feature50 and MediaBank, and contributed several patches back to the project. I am active in the Python community and spoke at the last three PyCon conferences. I have spoken at OSCON and I am speaking at PostgreSQL Conference West in October.
The bottom line
I'm looking to work on a challenging project -- that is, not Yet Another CRUD App -- with a small team. I am currently based in Utah; I am willing to work remotely or relocate. Contact me at jonathan at utahpython dot org.