I ran across A case study in building layered DHT applications while doing some research on implementing load-balancing in Cassandra . The question addressed is, "Are DHTs a general-purpose tool that you can build more sophisticated services on?" Short version: no. A few specialized applications can and have been built on a plain DHT, but most applications built on DHTs have ended up having to customize the DHT's internals to achieve their functional or performance goals. This paper describes the results of attempting to build a relatively complex datastructure (prefix hash trees, for range queries) on top of OpenDHT. The result was mostly failure: A simple put-get interface was not quite enough. In particular, OpenDHT relies on timeouts to invalidate entries and has no support for atomicity primitives... In return for ease of implementation and deployment, we sacrificed performance. With the OpenDHT implementation, a PHT query operation took a median of 2–4 seconds...