There were a lot of good talks at PyCon but I humbly submit that the best one you haven't seen yet is Robert Brewer's talk on DejaVu. Robert describes how his Geniusql layer disassembles and parses python bytecode to let his ORM turn python lambdas into SQL. Microsoft got a lot of press for doing something similar for .NET with LINQ, but Bob was there first.
box = store.new_sandbox() print [c.Title for c in box.recall( Comic, lambda c: 'Hob' in c.Title or c.Views > 0)]This is cool as hell. The Geniusql part start about 15 minutes in.
Seriously though, I've been meaning to try dejavu out for a while and this gives me new impetus to give it a shot.
The only problem is that it doesn't work on an interactive session, since it needs to read the source code.