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SQLAlchemy at Pycon 08

SQLAlchemy will be well-represented this year with two tutorials and a talk.

I'll be the primary instructor for the Introduction to SQLAlchemy tutorial. I just updated the pycon page with the outline of what we'll cover. The slides will be pretty similar to last time, only with more time spent on a high-level intro to ORM (object-relational mapping) for people who have little exposure to that. And of course last year 0.4 was not out.

The SQLAlchemy documentation is thorough but a little intimidating. IMNSHO, the introduction tutorial is a great way to pick up the basics and get some practice, after which everything starts to make a lot more sense.

Mike Bayer, the author of SA, will be the primary instructor for the Advanced SQLAlchemy tutorial. Jason Kirtland, one of the most prolific SA hackers besides Mike himself, will also be teaching.

At the conference itself, Mike will be presenting Sqlalchemy 0.4 and beyond. To save you digging it out of the talks page, here's the summary:

At last year's Pycon, we introduced SQLAlchemy, the Database Toolkit for Python. This year, SQLAlchemy has gained new developers, a lot more users, and has now produced SQLAlchemy 0.4. The latest series of SQLAlchemy is significantly improved from the previous, in that APIs have been greatly pared down and refined, performance has been stepped up 30-40%, and ongoing architectural and developmental improvements have made room for lots of great new features with more to come. This talk intends to describe what's new in the 0.4 series, both for current users as well as for folks who may have only had experience with our earlier versions.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations. I wish I could be there. Unfortunately that won't be possible. I hope all the talks will be available as PDF after the conference.
Anonymous said…
Spyce and SqlSoup are excellent combination but I hit a dead end when I need to do something like db.tableName.all() where "tableName" has to be dynamic. For example, sales data for every year has to be stored/accessed in different tables like sales2006, sales2007, sales2008 in order to avoid the table from getting very large. It would be nice if SqlSoup has a method like getTable() that may be used as in db.getTable().all() where you define what table should be returned by getTable(). So, if getTable() returns sales2007, what you have would be db.sales2007.all(). Or better yet, if the syntax would allow something like xxx = sales2007 and then, doing would be interpreted as db.sales2007.all()
Jonathan Ellis said…
I don't want to pollute the db "namespace" by adding aliases to things that are already there -- just use db.__getattr__('tablename')
Anonymous said…
Thanks very much for this info! It works like magic! I would recommend that this be included in the documentation of SqlSoup. Is this something that is obvious to black belt pythonista or one simply has to look on the source code? The documentation of SqlSoup is very limited!

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