SQLAlchemy will be well-represented this year with two tutorials and a talk. I'll be the primary instructor for the Introduction to SQLAlchemy tutorial. I just updated the pycon page with the outline of what we'll cover. The slides will be pretty similar to last time , only with more time spent on a high-level intro to ORM (object-relational mapping) for people who have little exposure to that. And of course last year 0.4 was not out. The SQLAlchemy documentation is thorough but a little intimidating. IMNSHO, the introduction tutorial is a great way to pick up the basics and get some practice, after which everything starts to make a lot more sense. Mike Bayer, the author of SA, will be the primary instructor for the Advanced SQLAlchemy tutorial. Jason Kirtland, one of the most prolific SA hackers besides Mike himself, will also be teaching. At the conference itself, Mike will be presenting Sqlalchemy 0.4 and beyond . To save you digging it out of the talks page, he...